Our Expertise

Our team of experts integrates cutting-edge technologies, numerical simulation, AI-based analysis tools, and image recognition to provide customized solutions.


From maritime traffic detection to environmental surveillance, we offer precise and rigorous services.

Signal, Image processing &
Artificial Intelligence

Our signal processing expertise include data collection, analysis and interpretation for various applications, from environmental monitoring to academic research.

Numerical simulation & sound propagation

Our expertise in simulation mainly focus in sound propagation underwater. We use validated propagation algorithms to model sound emitted by various sources including vessels, port activities and marine mammals.

Real-time solution & Deployment of sensors in natural environment

Our team have years of experience in deploying monitoring equipment in various natural environments and installing sensors strategically for effective surveillance.

Our expersite

Signal, Image processing &
Artificial Intelligence

Signal processing expertise incorporates data collection, analysis, and interpretation for various applications, from environmental monitoring to industrial research. We enhance our diagnostic and surveillance capabilities with Artificial Intelligence algorithms to contribute to the better management and protection of maritime zones.

Image Recognition

Acquisition and processing of images enabling automatic detection of objects. Our projects include :

  • Maritime traffic detection and classification by vessel type
  • Ice and erosion detection
  • Image processing for maritime zone surveillance with geolocalisation

AI-based Cetacean Detection

We developed AI-based algorithms for the automatic detection of acoustic signals from biological species, including:

  • North Atlantic Right Whale (NARW)
  • Beluga and dolphin click recognition
  • Cetacean detection

Numerical simulation & sound Propagation

Our expertise in simulation mainly focus on underwater sound propagation We use a variety of techniques to characterize sound propagation in different environments. 

Our simulation projects have many applications, including :

  • Ocean monitoring
  • Marine environmental management
  • Maritime safety
  • Submarine equipment design

Propagation algorithms

We possess validated propagation algorithms to model and automatically detect sound emitted by various sources, including sounds from :

  • Maritime traffic
  • Industrial and port activities
  • Biological origin (marine mammals, fishs)
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Real-time solutions & Deployment of sensors in natural environment

Our team is experienced in deploying equipment in various natural environments. We have diverse expertise in in sensor for effective surveillance and monitoring. A home-developed web platform allows us to connect and communicate in real-time with our equipment on the field.

The installed sensors are customized to meet the client’s needs and environmental requirement, including :

  • Hydrophone
  • Optical, zoom, thermal camera
  • Radar
  • AIS
  • Accelerometer
  • Microphone

Our real-time solution : the Pi-Sigma platform

Our cameras can be connected to a web platform called Pi-sigma. The tool allow a real-time visualisation of the data collected by our optical solutions. The plateform can also send alerts and messages adapted to the need of our clients.


To know more about the Pi-sigma platform : https://pi-sigma.fr/

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Let’s get to work.