Monitoring of 16 sites in the Cap Corse and Agriate Marine Nature Park


Surveillance environnementale

Year of realization: 2023

Client: Parc Naturel Marin du Cap Corse et de l’Agriate


This project involved the installation of cameras, thermal cameras, radar, and an AIS system to monitor 16 sites within the Cap Corse and Agriate Marine Nature Park. The project aimed to:

  • Ensure automated maritime surveillance and traffic monitoring.
  • Conduct automatic surveillance of beaches and human traffic.
  • Detect and prevent poaching.

The project included features for automatic vessel and human traffic detection, as well as the ability to provide real-time alerts.


As a result, the project provided recommendations for the surveillance of marine protected areas. The equipment installation for the sixteen sites of the PNMCCA took place between April 2023 and September 2023.